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Curricula & Learning




As a professional child care provider, I understand that children learn

primarily through play. Because of this, I do not underestimate its

importance on a developing young child. 


Preschool Curriculum 


A structured preschool curriculum including thematic units is offered

to all children. Thematic units include a variety of enrichment

activities such as: songs, stories, games, imaginative play,

cooking, experiments, stories, finger-plays, and more! Each week's

lesson plan is unique in hopes to keep children engaged in their

learning and development. Activities provided are geared

towards the full development of young children. 


In addition, a phonemic awareness currciulum (Heggerty) is used in

order to increase student's literacy skills. Each level of the Heggerty curriculum provides 35 weeks of daily lessons, focusing on eight phonemic awareness skills, along with two additional activities to develop letter and sound recognition, and language awareness. 


Because language and literacy is important for developing young children, books are a huge part of our learning curriculum. 


Other learning tools used: Leapfrog, ABC Mouse, Alphatales, and Numbertales.




Portfolios are used in order to help keep track of each child's learning (assessment). Anecdotal notes, photographs, art, stories, and other sample's of the child's work are some of the items that can/will be included. 


Interest Areas


Creative Arts- We use a variety of materials so the child may experience the joy of creating by cutting, gluing, coloring and painting. Art may also be used for instructive purposes such as identification of shapes, learning to follow oral instructions, sequencing steps and learning various skills, such as cutting and pasting. Activities are geared to the child’s level, and are concerned with the process of creating instead of the final product.


Children will engage in both process art and teacher-directed art. 

  • What is process art? Process art is all about the experience the children have while they are creating a masterpiece. The end product is not important. One of the ways children learn, is by engaging in open-ended activities. Process art gives them the opportunity to explore materials, ask questions, and see how things work. 

  • What is teacher-directed art? The teacher has an idea of what to make and how to go about it. Specific instructions are given, and the child will follow. 


Science- A variety of science materials will be out for exploration by the child in learning centers, books and group experiments will be done frequently. Science study increases vocabulary and general knowledge, encourages curiosity, helps the child discover natural laws, and helps the child become more aware of his/her surrounding world.


Music & Movement- Music is used to express emotions, reinforce subject material, and as a source of joy. We use tapes, CD’s, records, rhythm instruments, ribbon sticks, singing, clapping, and body movement.


Group Time- This is a period of 15-30 minutes which serves as a vehicle for teaching a wide variety of subjects. It often includes finger plays, stories, games, songs, and discussion centered around one topic. This topic is the basis for our weekly themes, which may include Zoo, Food, numbers, forest animals, etc. Monthly and weekly themes are posted for your information.


Fine Motor- Through manipulative table toys, games, and other activities, small coordination grows. A variety of small motor toys are offered throughout each day.


Gross Motor- Children received large muscle coordination through outside play, going for walks, or indoor play in the Commons room. Depending on the weather children are offered large muscle play two times a day.


Our Day

Our daily schedule simply gives you an idea how our day runs each day. The schedule may change dependent upon the children and their needs.


8:00-8:30 Arrival/Table Time/Group Play/Small Group

8:30 Breakfast

9:00-11:00 *PRESCHOOL*

11:00 Prepare for Lunch

11:30 Lunch

12:00 Nap Time

2:30 Snack

2:45 Closing Circle/Story Box/Small Group

3:00 Outside/Gross Motor

3:45 Preschool Closed




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